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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work for The Geauga Lions and NDCL Cheer Teams

They were then asked to help kick off NDCL’s football season with attending and cheering at their first Pep Rally of the year. Then they were asked to cheer at Notre Dame Cathedral Latin’s football game and perform at their half time show.

Giving back to those who gave to them. Geauga Lions Head Coach was eager to ask the NDCL Cheer Team to perform with them on the Cavs court.

“This will continue to bring our communities together as we are all here for the same thing, to support our sport teams,” Laylah Loiczly, Head Cheer Coach said.

Both head coaches have the same mind set,” both Loiczly and NDCL Kathrine Beach said.  “To bring our local community together in faith to many girls in our shared community.”

They were playing against the clock. They couldn’t practice together until NDCL’S football season was over. As sad as that was for many seniors, they had something really special to look forward to, Cavs court performance!

They were given permission to practice at and with NDCL’S cheer team in their gymnasium weeks before their performance.

Bringing 30 cheerleaders together from five different schools, four different parishes, and all ages. For the second time in history and for the first time ever together, Geauga Lions and The Notre Dame Cathedral Latin Cheer Teams rocked the Cavaliers Court before tip off.

All of their hard work, all of their fundraising came down to three minutes on the Cavs court in front of twenty thousand plus people. They usually perform in front of less than 25 people, mostly parents watching their children cheer and play.

High fives and hugs with teary eyed coaches who have managed to do what only a few teams ever get the opportunity to do. They did it together.

“Truly a blessing for these girls, I hope they will always remember that time they got to perform on the Cavs court, the hard work they put in, the crazy scheduling was all worth their three minutes, may they always carry that performance with them everywhere they go, they earned it, it’s theirs,” Loiczly said.

“They learned how to come together in faith and community given the opportunity.”

“With all the different schools and age groups, these girls supported and helped one another, that was something to be proud of,” fellow coach Beach said.

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