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Lakewood Boxer Bryan Gedeon Shows Family Values In and Out of The Ring!


While most 37-year-old men with two daughters spend most of their time worrying about when their girls will discover boys, and just trying to fit in, Bryan Gedeon is one 37-year-old dad that leads by example every day of what it means to be a great human being. He is a great role model for his daughters and any athlete for that matter who is looking to chase their dream as Bryan has chased his in the world of Boxing.

I recently had the pleasure to sit down with Bryan and discuss a little bit about what drives him to succeed in the world of amateur boxing, but also what helps him succeed as a man, an inspiration and someone that anyone would be very wise to mold themselves after.

Q – What made you decide to get into boxing and what steps did you take to achieve that?

A – I have been a lifelong boxing fan. I used to watch HBO boxing with my parents every time it was on. After my Dad passed away in 2012 I decided to step in the ring for the first time.

Q – You’re a family man, how many children do you have, ages and names, and how supportive is your family as you chase your dream of being a professional boxer?

A – My family is my life. I love every second I spend with them. I have two daughters- Mary 15, and Adeline 4 months. Allegra is my best friend, wife, and love of my life. My daughter Mary and my wife are extremely supportive. They go with me to do my cardio, sauna sessions( before I was in 201+), come to most of my fights, and they always believe in me. I’m truly blessed to have the family that I have.

Q – How many total fights have you had thus far, for what promotions and how have you faired?

A – I’ve had 16 sanctioned fights for a few promotions. My favorite promotion to fight for is Kincaid-Godhard Battle in the Ballroom. It’s a great show to be a part of. I have also fought for Kings Gym Friday night Fights, Pinnacle, and King of the Ring. I won the masters division title for King of the Ring in January. I am fighting in Golden Gloves at the end of the month. I’ve heard that I am the oldest person to ever compete in Cleveland Golden Gloves.

Q – What does your diet and exercise routine consist of?

A – Unfortunately , my diet isn’t the best. The only thing I have going for me on the diet side is that I never drink caffeine or alcohol. My exercise routine is pretty simple. I just do lots of cardio. Jacob’s ladder and the Archer are probably my favorite thing to do when I’m not hitting mits, or grappling.

Q – Are there any songs, or movies you have used over the years for motivation to train?

A – I don’t use any movies or songs to motivate me. The movie Remember The Titans, and the songs Walk and Ironman, takes me back to my high school years at St Edward High School.

Q – What Heroes’ did you have growing up and now, (they don’t have to be in sports either)

A – My Dad was always my hero. He was the toughest guy I knew. He was a retired union worker, and spent a couple decades of his life volunteering to coach youth sports. My Mom is the most loving and caring person I have ever known, and I’m lucky to have daily dialogue or visits with her.

Q -What steps can boxing take to get a lot of their fans back they lost over the years as MMA began to rise?

A – I think Boxing is still doing well. The free fights on FOX and CBS have been great. I just watched Thurman and Garcia put on a great fight for free! A couple weeks before that I watched the heavyweight champ for free! I do think boxing needs to unify the world heavyweight championship .

Better heavyweights would help, too. I grew up watching Tyson, Mercer, Lennox Lewis, Riddick Bowe, Morrison, Gulatta, Michael Moorer , George Forman, and Evander Holyfield. If they start getting studs like they had in 90s then boxing will be on a different level.

Q – What final message do you have for your fans, promoters, family, and friends that have supported you as you chase your dream?

A – I would like to thank everyone for their support , especially Allegra, Mary and Adeline Gedeon, my mom Linda Gedeon, my brother Mike Gedeon, my best friends Mark Glasenapp and Mike Kulczycki, my Cornermen Roger Blankenship, Tony Rottari, and Dib Kaddah, and all my guys and girls at The Wrestling Factory Boxing Club. I’d like to thank my continued sponsors Defense Soap and Guy Sako, Angelos Pizza, and Italian Creations.


For more on some of the most inspirational fighter to ever come out of Ohio, click here



  1. Michael Stonetree

    October 15, 2017 at 7:49 pm

    I have a comment to make to Bryan Gedeon directly, how is it he is training a guy for the Master’s division with such a poor gym set up, a guy who is still freezing up when taking hits isn’t ready for a amateur bout and yet he went ahead with one anyhow last night and was quickly TKO’ed by a 0-4 boxer??? Do the guy a favor and have him move on to a proper club, gym and trainer. You might be a good boxer but your no trainer Bryan Gedeon.

  2. Bryan Gedeon

    March 26, 2018 at 3:59 pm

    Sorry you feel that way. This is one fight of many. Ny teams record in 2017 was 27-4, while winning 2 amateur club boxing titles, a Golden Gloves Champion, 2 Open division runner ups, and turning 3 boxers professional. That’s a pretty successful year. You are entitled to your opinion, but the Mma and Boxing world would disagree.

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