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Report: Cleveland Browns Will Reveal Plans to Play 2017 Game in London, Announcement to be Made Tuesday

92.3 The Fan morning talk show host Anthony Lima reported that the Cleveland Browns will announce plans to play a 2017 Regular Season game in London, England.

The team is expected to officially announce the news on Tuesday and it is unclear if Cleveland will have to give up a home game and play only seven regular season games at First Energy Stadium or if they will be the road team and still have all eight home games.

Based on the attendance, re-sale ticket value, and lack of interest among home fans during what is leading up to a possible 0-16 season, it may not be an appealing option to let Cleveland keep a home game over a team that is drawing more interest, but we’ll see which team ends up being named as the opponent.

Chances are if it’s a team with one of the more engaged fan bases, that would give the league extra incentive to let that team keep all eight of its home games.

For fans who already tailgate at 9:30 AM on normal Sundays, the only difference will be watching the game from home instead of sitting in the Muny Lot waiting for a kickoff 3.5 hours away.

Should Cleveland Browns fans be upset if they lose a home game? They’re reportedly going to be losing most of training camp to Columbus starting in 2018, their team has lost every game since Dec. 13, 2015. What’s one more Sunday going to cost?

Maybe being on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean can be the answer for which they have been searching. Nothing else has worked.

Matt Medley is co-editor at NEO Sports Insiders, covers the Cleveland Cavaliers, Cleveland Indians and high school sports in Northeast Ohio. Follow @MedleyHoops on Twitter for live updates from games.

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