After Dallas and Forth Worth Police reported on Thursday that the investigation of an incident that took place between Johnny Manziel and his ex-girlfriend, Colleen Crowley during the early morning hours of January 30th was closed, police reopened a criminal investigation on Friday.
Crowley reportedly gave a statement and asked a district attorney to press charges.
Here is the full statement from the Dallas Police Department:
“Following yesterday’s release, today the Dallas Police Department received a complaint of a domestic violence assault that occurred in Dallas on January 30, 2016. A criminal investigation into the incident, in which Johnathan Manziel is the listed suspect, has been initiated. Detectives will thoroughly investigate the case to determine what criminal charges, if any, will be filed and victim services will be offered.
As there are many emotional factors involved, it is not uncommon for a victim of domestic violence to question or delay reporting an assault. This is an on-going investigation and updates will be made as information becomes available.”
This story is far from over and thankfully it will not be swept under the rug as quietly as it appeared to be at first.

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