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Munch Musings from E. 53rd Street and Hamm Avenue

I am using the above theme and photo as this is where I was taken to 3412 E. 53rd St. after my birth at Women’s Hospital on Chester Ave. Yup Max and Rose carried their newborn into the 1 bedroom home that was called home. My love of sports also had its roots here! More to come…

One of the best interviews I ever had was with actor and baseball fan Kevin Costner. I can go on and on as we hit it off in a big way but something that we talked about stands out to me and yes has the world to do with my Father. When Kevin asked me what my favorite baseball movie was without hesitation I noted “Field of Dreams.” He knew I was not pandering to him, and he said it was his too. Now Kevin went on to say he pitched the script a few times after being handed it by his agent. His thoughts were “who the heck would buy into this story.” The agent finally sent it back, and knowing the love of baseball Kevin had, highlighted a passage in the script that sold him on doing the movie. Kevin said to me “Munch if you can tell me what part of the movie hooked me, I’ll give you another 15 minutes to chat about whatever you desire. Without hesitation I blurted out “Hey Da, do you want to have a catch.” BOOM! He said I hit it on the head, and we continued to chat how understated “For Love of the Game” is plus he reached out with an invite to see his band play that evening at the House of Blues. Cool Dude – he even offered to have a limo sent to pick up #DonnaStrong and yours truly as he found out she was fighting Breast Cancer at the time.

Why did I bring up Costner and that particular scene from “Field of Dreams”? No doubt my sports training started with my Father. In the Summer between first and second grade my Dad would after a bowl of cereal and coffee would leave the PD Sports page open to the box scores. I would dig in and when he came from the plant, I would besiege him with the 411 on what Indians players did the night before and for that matter how players around the league performed. “Hey Dad, Twins catcher Earl Battey went 4-4 last night with 3 RBI and do you know he bats lead off”? The facts kept coming and talk about “Hey Dad, do you want to have a catch,” my Dad Max would give me a half hour to toss the pill around before he even went into the house if I met him with my baseball knowledge and our mitts! Mom would look at the clock while she was making dinner and my Father, after toiling all day in the factory, would give me a 1/2 hour! He set his lunch box down on the back stoop (you know the metal ones with the curved top where his thermos went!) and we would play ball. After a 1/2 hour Mom would come to the door with a highball (Ginger and a shot of Kesslers or Old Crow) and he would open The Press (yes Cleveland had a morning and afternoon paper), have his drink and be ready for dinner.

Dad always coached me in baseball too in the Golden Knights Little League at St. Henry. The Church was on Harvard Avenue and the ball fields were out back off of Feiner Drive. Again, no matter how tired my Father and the other coaches were they were there for us every practice and every game.

When Max installed the first basketball backboard in our Lee Harvard neighborhood our driveway became an instant hit. Yup it was wood and attached to our garage over the door.

Photo by Mark Bishop

Other events stand out too that helped my love of sports, especially Cleveland sports, grown. I was the kid with his face pressed up against a cold windowpane looking for my Dad to come around the corner with my Uncles after getting off the bus returning from a Browns game. I was always amped hoping Max would bring me a program and something else. The “Something else”? The Stadium used to sell an orange drink in a mini megaphone! After you had the beverage, you poked out the bottom and cheered for the Browns! I found out that Mom would always get the drink container first, wash it out, then give it to me. Why” Yup Dad would pour some of the spirits in his flask into the orange drink!

So many other things stand out – my Dad taking “Staycations” and we would go to an afternoon weekday game (there were not too many) plus the big one…writing a note to take me out of school opening day to see the Indians! I was so proud on October 3, 1993, when we went to the last Indians game in Cleveland Municipal Stadium when Dad stood with a few others when the PA announcer asked those who were also at the first game at the Stadium to please stand up. I was just as excited also to welcome Jacobs Field to Cleveland with Dad on April 4, 1994.

There are so many more stories to share but there is no doubt my degree in Cleveland Sportsology came from Emil Max Bishop. Formal training, that came later but the US Marine and EasTech grad was my professor in all things sports. I feel I passed and got the degree.

28 years ago, my Dad was called home and I miss him and speak to him daily. I am sure that if is not pitching a game between the Angels and Saints in Heaven he’s dealing cards in a Heavenly poker game. Miss ya’ Dad and no doubt “Hey Dad, do you want to have a catch?”

Read more of my musings and thoughts at – #MunchOnSports is powered by Ganley Chevy Of Aurora and the Ken Ganley Automotive Group.

Please take care of each other and it’s your world, pay attention. Always enjoy every sandwich and for now ADIOS AMIGO, long may you run.


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